Dr. K.M Singh

Advance Urology & Nephrology Unit
Latest LASER Treatment for Prostate and Stone disease available. Authorized by Govt. of U.P for Kidney Transplant.

DNB Program
DNB General Surgery

Doppler Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation
DGHAL (Latest Heamroides Treatment) VAAFT (Video Assisted Anal Fistula Treatment)

Approved by CGHS , ECHS , ESI , State Government , UPPCL , Northern Railway , RDSO and the Private TPA’s

About Us
K.K. Hospital, Lucknow ISO 9001-2008 Certified) was inaugrated by Prof. Rajendra Singh ( Rajju Bhaiya) on 9/03/1992. It is a charitable hospital (Recognized Under Section 80-G(5(vi))) run by “Krishna Society for Medical Relief & Rural Development Lucknow” on No Profit No Loss basis under the Hony.President Ship of of DR. K K SINGH Prof. General Surgery (KGMU) MBBS,MS.
The Private medical facilities play a crucial role. They offer the best treatment, at a price.
Our Doctors
Our Hospital have specialized team of Doctors and Para Medical Staff. Under there supervision hospital provide super special treatment to the patients. Patients feel satisfied by the timley assistance by our doctors, which help to save lives.